All printing that we do is done in CMYK, we do not print in RGB. We recommend if you are sending files to us, that you convert these to sRGB for the best results.
Any files which you use in your designs or submit to us in RGB will automatically be converted to CMYK for printing. RGB colours are for screen applications only and there are colours within the RGB spectrum which CMYK can’t reach – this is why designs which are submitted in RGB will come out slightly different than printed. CMYK will reduce the brightness of your RBG files by roughly 10%, it may also cause a colour shift or cast over the images. The best way to work around this colour change is to create your own artwork in CMYK or to convert your images to this format. Our online design studio is set up to work in CMYK as standard and will convert any RGB file used within it.
We print all our calendars using digital printing equipment which uses EA vegetable-based toners which are then fused onto the paper. The colour is made up of 4 different toners (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) which sit on top of the paper before getting fused to the paper using hot roller processes. This results in a more vibrant print compared to alternative printing methods. This may then look under saturated, this is because we do not use a wet ink printing method which dulls down as the ink settles into the paper. This does not happen when we print digitally, so your images stay nice and vibrant!
As we always say, if you are unsure about the quality of the colours of your images, we advise you to order an unbound (flat sheet) printed proof.
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