If you wish to get a PDF version of your order, you will need to contact us via the help chat on our website including your name and order number. You are only able to download a PDF of your design if you have an existing order with us. Please note that these will be sent as low resolution so will not appear as clear as they will when print. If you wish to have a single page of your calendar sent to you for advertising on your social media pages, if you contact us with your order number and requested page download, we can email this across to you.
Please note that you cannot download these yourself.
You can view all the images in your account by logging in and going to ‘My Account Area’ as shown below:
You will then need to click on ‘Images’ and this will then take you into a page which includes all your images included in your projects which you have uploaded to your designs. From here, you can multi select each image and add it to an album to easily find selections of images. You can also use this multi select tool to delete images which you no longer wish to use in your projects. These will remove from the image section and in the ‘Images’ tab of the design studio when you open a design. This action CANNOT be undone so please make sure you only delete files when you are sure that you have them saved elsewhere.
Please note that we are not a storage facility for your images. All images which you upload to our website are to be stored for the purpose of your projects and then ideally, deleted once you have completed your designs. We are not able to send you images from your projects if you have not saved them on your own computer. Also, we cannot remove images from completed downloaded design PDF’s and send these to you as our systems will not allow this.
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