Any designs that are created in our system using our online system and then ordered are stored in our system for a limited amount of time. These designs will get back to up our cloud servers for approximately 2 years – this may vary at times depending on our storage space.
Any designs which are created and then NOT ordered may be removed after a period (Up to 1 year inactive) to ensure that our server memory is maintained with existing customer orders.
If you upload images into your account area, these images may be removed in a maximum of 6 months due to space limitations on our server. We must do this to ensure our servers do not reach their maximum storage capacity to minimise the risk of website crashes resulting in losing customer artwork.
We are not a storage repository for your photos, please do not use our servers as your main storage space for your images. Please make sure that you have these saved on your computer and remove any images from your account which you do not need to use anymore. Once images are deleted, we cannot then restore these. Always keep a copy of every file on your computer to avoid the loss of images in your account.
Any images uploaded and used in a design will be retained within the design. If your images are removed, you will then need to re upload the image to be able to reuse it again in future projects.
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