If you are having issues with your payment getting rejected, this could be because of a few different reasons.
1. There is not enough money in your account to pay for your order, it is worth checking your balance before placing the order, and if you do not do this, check your bank balance after the first failed payment attempt to avoid you from being blocked from making payments.
2. The address on our system and the address listed with your bank do not match. If your card is registered to a different address to the one you are getting your order delivered to, this will get rejected by Sage Pay due to their authentication process. You will need to match up these addresses before making the payments to ensure that it is going through
3. System glitches – Every website has issues sometimes, so it may be that your payment is being rejected due to the website having a glitch. If you think this could be the case - Please get in touch with us as soon as possible by contacting the ‘Help’ centre on the website
4. The card name does not match the rest of the card information – You will need to make sure that the name listed on your payment information matches the name on your card as this will automatically get rejected and will not go through
5. Your card information has been entered incorrectly – This could be the name or numbers that you have entered the system and this as with any other website, will automatically decline
If you are having any issues with making a payment, please do get in contact as soon as possible via the Help chat on our website and we will get this resolved as soon as possible.
Please note that if a payment is rejected 3 times, your card payments will get blocked and you will not be able to make a payment with your card on our website or on other websites in order to prevent fraud.
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